A “whistleblower” is the term given to a person who reports wrongdoing – usually within a large organisation. This activity can be considered immoral, illegal or against the code of conduct. The decision to blow the whistle may be a difficult one depending on the circumstances and often the person who feels that they want to report the wrongdoing may not be aware of the options available to them.
There have been many high profile cases of whistleblowing down the years and often the identity of the whistle blower is not known until many months or years after the disclosure was made public.
Target Audience:
All staff.
Learning objectives
Learners will understand:
- What whistleblowing is and what steps you may need to take to make a disclosure
- When it may be appropriate to disclose internally or when a public disclosure may be the best course of action
- What protection whistleblowers may expect under the law
Entry requirements
There are no entry requirements
Course assessment and certification
On successful completion of the final assessment a downloadable certificate is immediately available from your Online Training Academy Dashboard