Global e-Learning Course Market to Grow by $61 Billion by 2024?

Global e-learning course market to grow to $61billion by 2024

The Technavio market research report on the global e-learning course market, which was published a few days ago, predicts that the market will grow by $61 billion by 2024. It is thought that mobile learning is driving this growth, with over 4.7 billion people now owning a smart phone, which is 61.62% of the world’s population.

With more and more mobile responsive online courses available for tablets and smart phones, the choice of subjects and breadth of instructional design of courses has never been greater. Couple this with the fact that many developing countries are investing heavily in connectivity, doors are opening to learning for so many who previously have not had access. It really feels like mobile learning is providing equal opportunities in a digital, mobile world.

The increase in employers embracing mobile learning to offer a more flexible, personalised delivery of learning is also driving growth. At eLearning Marketplace for a few years we have seen more and more SME’s with mobile and remote workers adopt a mobile learning strategy.  But today the majority of our customers are mindful of the preference of some of their workers to complete online training on a mobile device. Fortunately most e-learning course publishers have been ahead of the game and have updated their courses to neatly run on mobiles, but there are still a few that are lagging behind.

Bite sized learning, which has been a growing trend over the last few years, incorporating audio and video, is set to continue growing, and is significantly contributing to the growth in the use of online courses. The short chunks of learning are conveniently delivered on mobile devices to fit around people’s busy work and life schedules.

In summary we are very likely to see a continued growth in e-learning, especially cloud based courses, providing access to life long learning across the globe.


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