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Windows 7 (Level 3)

Price is per online user of this course, excluding 20% VAT. You pay £19.80 per user.

Windows 7 is an operating system that controls the hardware and software on your computer. This system supports multi-tasking and enables one or several people to use a computer and common Windows compatible software.

The Windows 7 – Level 3 course takes you step by step through advanced tasks in the Windows 7 operating system.

See below for further information

Sold By: Knowhow


When you’ve finished this course you will be able to:

  • Understand networking, including sharing resources such as folders and printers
  • Map and view contents of mapped drives
  • Create a new user account, modify its settings and remove an account
  • Create a ‘Briefcase’ folder and then use it to synchronise files
  • Understand file synchronisation
  • Create compressed folders and extract files from compressed folders


  • Network Resources
  • Mapping Network Drives
  • User Accounts
  • Using the Briefcase
  • Using the Sync Centre
  • Basic Navigation
  • Favorites List and History List
  • Compressed Folders

How this course can help your business:

  • Make the most of your investment in IT
  • Save time and money by increasing the efficiency of your organisation
  • Grow and develop your business with the right IT infrastructure
  • Increase profitability and productivity by having highly qualified and knowledgeable employees

Course features:

You can start the course straight away and access it at any time, providing you have the use of a computer with an Internet connection.

The online course takes approximately 2 hours to complete and is available for six months from the date first accessed.

For discounts please phone 0844 854 9218.

Additional information

Access Duration: 6 months

Course Duration in Minutes: 6 months

Level: Professional Development

Suitable Devices: PC


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