Delivered by our partner, International Workplace, this IOSH online course focuses on the Plan-Do-Check-Act (PDCA) system of health and safety management, ensuring managers continue to implement their organisation’s health and safety policy effectively.
What topics are included in the IOSH Managing Safely Refresher (eLearning course)?
Module 1 – Thinking back
– Reviewing legal compliance and reflecting on a manager’s health and safety responsibilities.
– Refreshing understanding of hazards, risks, risk assessments, control measures and incidents.
– Recapping the components and principles of health and safety management systems, including policy, planning, implementation, performance monitoring and review.
Module 2 – Leadership
– Reflecting on the critical role of leadership in health and safety performance to protect employees and an organisation’s reputation.
– Exploring the characteristics of effective leadership and the significance of building a positive health and safety culture to influence behaviour and attitudes to improve health and safety in an organisation.
Module 3 – Plan
– Reviewing the process of developing and implementing health and safety policies, including setting objectives, establishing procedures, and allocating resources.
– Examining up to date health and safety regulations and standards so participants understand their responsibilities.
– Exploring sources of health and safety information, including regulatory bodies, industry associations, professional organisations, and online resources.
Module 4 – Do
– Discussing the importance of risk profiling and conducting health and safety assessments to identify hazards, assess risks and prioritise control measures.
– Reviewing the steps in conducting risk assessments, including hazard identification, risk evaluation, control measures and risk communication.
– Exploring strategies for controlling risks, including hierarchy of control measures, administrative controls, engineering solutions and personal protective equipment (PPE).
Module 5 – Check
– Considering methods for measuring health and safety performance, including accident and incident rates, near-miss reporting and compliance audits.
– Looking at proactive monitoring techniques such as workplace inspections and observations as well as reactive monitoring through incident investigation and analysis.
– Reviewing the process of health and safety audits, including planning, conducting audits, evaluating findings, and implementing corrective actions.
Module 6 – Act
– Discussing the importance of reviewing health and safety performance data, analysing trends, and identifying areas for improvement.
– Emphasising the value of learning from incidents, near misses, and audit findings, and taking proactive steps to implement corrective and preventive actions to enhance health and safety performance.
Learning objectives
By the end of IOSH Managing Safely Refresher training participants will understand:
- Refresh knowledge and skills gained from the IOSH Managing Safely course.
- Be able to apply refreshed knowledge to the Plan, Do, Check, Act model to ensure continuous improvement in an organisation’s health and safety.
- Understand current standards and legislation and how this influences health and safety in practice.
- Understand how leadership impacts health and safety performance and what effective leadership looks like.
Entry requirements
There are no entry requirements.
Course assessment and certification
Successful completion of this course requires a 70% pass mark. A completion certificate will be available to download and the official IOSH will be sent via post.