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Equity, Diversity and Inclusion for Managers

This engaging and interactive online course focuses on providing managers with the skills and confidence to not only comply with legal requirements but to be allies and help make the workplace a more supportive and inclusive environment.

See below for further information.

Sold By: Kallidus


Equity, diversity and inclusion are evolving subjects that can feel tricky to navigate. Although most people see the benefits of a diverse and inclusive working environment, many lack the understanding and confidence to be proactive and play a positive role.

This online course covers equity and diversity, challenging diversity and inclusive management.

Target Audience:

All employees and managers


Learning objectives

Learners will be able to:


Equity and Diversity

  • Learn how to discuss equity and diversity issues confidently
  • Define protected characteristics
  • Identify different types of discrimination
  • Explain the benefits of a diverse workplace
  • Describe how people can play a positive role and be an ally

Challenging Diversity 

  • Understand why making assumptions can be problematic
  • Recognise that we all have biases
  • Follow a model for challenging biases and staying objective
  • Articulate the benefits of diverse perspectives and contributions
  • Discuss emerging D&I issues ie, gender fluidity, trans rights and neurodiversity
  • Respond effectively when offence is unintentionally caused

Inclusive Management

  • Understand their responsibilities as managers for promoting Equity and Diversity
  • Identify bias in selection and recruitment
  • Describe how employees and candidates are protected by the Equality Act 2010
  • Promote difference (rather than pretending it doesn’t exist)
  • Dispel neurodiversity myths
  • Respond effectively when mistakes are made relating to ED&I issues
  • Recall and use top ED&I tips for managers
  • Understand the benefits of creating a culture of inclusion within their teams


Entry requirements

There are no entry requirements

Course assessment and certification

On successful completion of the final assessment a downloadable certificate is immediately available from your Online Training Academy Dashboard

Additional information

Access Duration: 12 months

Accreditation/Endorsements: Continuing Professional Development Accreditation Service (CPD)

Audio: Yes

Available for immediate enrolment: Yes

Completion Criteria: Pass Final Test, Visit All Pages

Course Duration in Minutes: Pass Final Test, Visit All Pages

Course Publisher: Kallidus

Language: English, Google Translate

Level: Professional Development

Suitable Devices: PC, Tablet & Phone

Video: Yes

After placing your order online you will receive the following emails;

  • Purchase Receipt Email
  • Account Confirmation Email
  • Online Training Academy Invitation Email

The subject line of your Invitation Email will read:

Thank you for your eLearning Marketplace purchase. You are invited to join The Online Training Academy learning portal.

Click on the link in the email to open the Online Training Academy sign in page and use your email address as your Username and use the Password that you setup during the checkout process.

Your Online Training Academy dashboard will now be displayed and you will see the course you have purchased.

You will be able to access the course for 12 months.

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£20.00 excluding VAT

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