Employee Artificial Intelligence, AI, course enrolments increase by 1,100 percent year on year, according to a recent survey of over seven thousand organisations globally. This makes AI the fastest-growing job skill globally and in the UK1. With seventy three percent of employers using generative artificial intelligence, GenAI, it’s not surprising that it’s predicted that AI and machine learning, ML, job roles are expected to increase by at least 40% over the next four years1.
There’s been a shift in people’s learning interests. Last year, the most popular GenAI courses centred around learning to understand the fundamentals of GenAI. This year, the focus has shifted towards leveraging GenAI in the workplace with the emergence of several key skills that professionals are increasingly expected to possess:
- Prompt engineering – is the designing of effective prompts to guide AI systems in generating desired outputs. JPMorgan Chase, for instance, has initiated prompt engineering training for all new employees to prepare them for an AI-integrated future4
- Data literacy – understanding and interpreting data is crucial for leveraging AI tools effectively. This skill enables employees to make data-driven decisions and collaborate efficiently with AI systems5
- AI integration – is the ability to seamlessly incorporate AI tools into existing workflows. This includes understanding AI capabilities and limitations to enhance productivity and innovation6
- Ethical awareness – is recognising and addressing ethical considerations related to AI use, such as data privacy and algorithmic bias and is increasingly important to ensure responsible AI deployment7
These skills are becoming integral across various industries as organisations strive to harness the potential of GenAI to enhance efficiency, drive innovation, and maintain a competitive advantage.
More and more people are gaining a good understanding of GenAI, but will we have sufficient knowledgeable people to fill the AI industry’s increasing job opportunities, with roles growing six times faster than average in the UK and demand for Generative AI roles increasing by 500%2? This upward trend in AI skills growth and AI job roles is supported by a PwC report, which found that industries more exposed to AI are experiencing almost five times higher growth in labour productivity, suggesting that AI adoption is driving job creation in these areas3. However, AI-powered technology is rapidly being adopted across all industries with 85% of employers envisioning their companies becoming AI-driven organisations by 20288. Business leaders recognise that successful adoption and integration of new solutions into their operations can seize a strategic advantage, and with surveyed employers believing that AI can boost productivity by 44%8. So it’s not surprising that so many are making employing AI skilled employees a priority. And to attract candidates with the required AI skills they have a willingness to offer workers significantly higher salaries, with increases of 30% in research and development, 27% in both sales and marketing and finance, 26% in business operations, 25% in legal, regulatory, and compliance roles, and 24% in human resources8.
If you’re thinking of upskilling your workforce to meet future business plans or as an individual you’re thinking about your own professional development take a look at our range of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning online courses:
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1. https://blog.coursera.org/2024s-rising-content-and-fastest-growing-skills-for-2025
2. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chief_AI_officer
3. pwc.com/gx/en/news-room/press-releases/2024/pwc-2024-global-ai-jobs-barometer.html?utm_source=chatgpt.com
4. ft.com/content/a6cb4832-c5be-480d-911c-a9ba92c929d7
5. cio.com/article/2509754/generative-ai-and-preparing-for-a-shift-to-skills-based-hiring.html
6. hatchworks.com/blog/gen-ai/generative-ai-workplace-transformation
7. mercer.com/en-us/insights/people-strategy/future-of-work/putting-the-power-of-generative-ai-to-work-in-a-skills-based-org
8. https://www.aboutamazon.co.uk/news/aws/ai-skills-report