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Slips, Trips and Falls Training - CPD Certified

Price is per online user of this course. Applicable VAT will be added.

This slips trips and falls e-learning course is designed to help you understand what slips, trips and falls within the workplace are and how to prevent accidents and injury occurring.

Around 95% of major slipping and tripping injuries result in broken bones. They can also be the initial cause of a wide range of other accident types such as falls from heights and scalds from contact with hot liquids and surfaces.

By completing this slips trips and falls course you’ll will have the knowledge of how to prevent slips and trips in the workplace. It is important to remember that as an employer or employee it is your legal duty to keep yourself and your co-workers safe at all times!

A printable certificate is available on completion of this course.

See below for further information.

Sold By: First Health and Safety


Course Content
  • How slips, trips and falls are defined in the workplace
  • What the law says
  • What causes slips, trips and falls?
  • How employers’ can manage slips, trips and falls health and safety
  • Control Measures
  • Simple solutions
  • Use of appropriate footwear
  • Good housekeeping and maintenance
  • Reduce flooring hazards
  • Summary
  • Multiple choice questions
Learning Outcomes

By the end of this Slips, Trips and Falls online course you will have learned about:

  • What are slips, trips and falls
  • What the law says.
  • What causes slips, trips and falls?
  • How to manage slips, trips and falls
  • Why accidents happen – reminders and solutions
Course Duration

30 minutes

A CPD Certified Course

This online course has reached the required Continuing Professional Development (CPD) standards and benchmarks, and the learning values have been scrutinised to ensure integrity and quality by the CPD Certification Service.

CPD helps individuals to focus on how they can become a more effective professional.  It enables them to adapt positively to changes in work/industry requirements.  CPD shows a clear commitment to self-development and professionalism.

Course Discounts

For larger purchases, site licences or to find out if discounts are available on mixed course purchases please phone a customer advisor on 0844 854 9218.

Purchasing Options for your Organisation

We offer a variety of purchasing options giving you total flexibility in how you purchase online training for your organisation. Let us know your requirements and we’ll advise you on the most cost efficient method of purchasing:

  • User Licence – a licence for a specified user on specified course/s. The user licence consists of a number of enrolments for a user to use on specified courses.
  • Course Licence – a licence for specified course/s for any learner. The course licence consists of a number of enrolments to use on specified course/s for any learner;
  • Bundle Licence – a licence for a specified bundle of courses. The bundle licence consists of a number of enrolments to use on any course for any learner in the bundle;
  • Subscription Licence – a licence for a maximum number of users to access any course in a specified bundle;
  • Site Licence – a licence to install one course, or one or more bundles of courses on your own learning management system. The site licence consists of a number of enrolments to use on any course for any learner in the bundle;

For more information on purchasing options and discounts please phone a customer advisor on 0844 854 9218.


Available for immediate enrolment


Suitable Devices


There are no FAQs for this course.


£15.00 excluding VAT

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