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Essentials of Display Screen Equipment (CL)

In this online course, you will discover how to set up your workstation accurately so you can be safe and comfortable, avoiding injuries caused whilst sitting at a desk or on a chair.

The Display Screen Equipment Course should be taken by anyone who uses display screen equipment (DSE) regularly in their workplace; this is most commonly in the form of a computer, laptop or tablet. In an increasingly technological and digital age, it is important to raise awareness of the possible health effects a worker can experience from continual use of display screen equipment. Through simple alterations to one’s posture and workstation, such injuries can be prevented; this can greatly increase employee productivity.

See below for further information.

Sold By: Creative Learning


Course Overview:

  • The Display Screen Equipment Course considers the often-neglected areas of Health and Safety with regards to display screen equipment.
  • The course will look at the Health and Safety Regulations of 1992 in relation to DSE, and the legislative amendments made in 2002.
  • The course covers the common terms and causes of ill health and the potential financial costs for both the employer and employee from this.
  • You will learn how to set up a workstation efficiently, and how a simple amendment can reduce the risk of symptoms such as neck and backache, repetitive strain injury (RSI), fatigue and eye strain; these are issues most commonly associated with display screen equipment.
  • You will learn how to use the display screen equipment safely both through an adjustment of a desk and chair positioning.

Course Objectives:

By the end of this module you will be able to identify:

  • Identify the regulations relating to the use of Display Screen Equipment (DSE)
  • Identify the possible health risks associated with using DSE and describe the importance of assessing and controlling those risks
  • Identify how to set up and adjust your workstation equipment to the optimum layout
  • Identify the importance of distributing tasks during the working day to allow time away from the screen and state your entitlement to eye and eyesight testing
Suitable Devices

Available for immediate enrolment


Course Duration in Minutes



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£29.00 excluding VAT

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