Information and advice is fundamental to enabling people, carers and families to take control of, and make well-informed choices about, their care and support and how they fund it. Not only does information and advice help to promote people’s wellbeing by increasing their ability to exercise choice and control, it is also a vital component of preventing or delaying people’s need for care and support.
Some of the topics covered in this course include to whom, when and how to give information and advice and if you need to have the answers. Find out if you can make direct referrals and learn about proportionality, strategic planning and trigger points when providing information and advice.
Who is The Care Act: Information and Advice online course for?
- Social workers and care managers
- Care and support brokers
- Public sector strategic managers of health and social care commissioners
- Those working in information and advice services in the statutory, private and voluntary sectors, including those working in one stop shops, and including those who have a role in giving financial information and advice
- Care and support and housing providers
- Local authority communications and ICT staff
View other courses for Health and Social Care.
Learning objectives
In this course you will learn:
- Why providing information and advice is important
- What types of information and advice is available
- About the problems people have had in the past with accessing information and advice
- What local authorities’ two basic duties are in relation to information and advice
- How local authorities should work with other national sources of information
- How much local authorities need to know about other sources of information
- How local authorities should think about the service they provide to their communities
- When a local authorities’ advice should refer people to impartial advice
Entry requirements
There are no entry requirements.
Course assessment and certification
Upon successful completion with an 80% or higher pass mark, you will be automatically awarded a downloadable certificate containing your name, the course title, and completion date.