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Lean 5S - Transform Your Workplace in 5 Steps - CPD Approved

On this course, you will learn what 5S is and how to introduce and champion its benefits in your workplace.  You will gain the tools and techniques required to reduce waste and increase efficiency, which will ultimately save time and money. On completion, you will be confident creating and implementing an efficient, standardised way of working and also be able to identify and eliminate problems in the workplace.

This course is suitable for anyone as it can be applied in the workplace in any industry, as well as in the home.

See below for further information.

Sold By: 100pceffective


Learn to champion the benefits of 5S in any workplace; Know how to create safer working environments using 5S; Gain 5S tools and techniques to standardise procedures in order to reduce defects; Implement 5S to increase efficiency in the workplace. This 5S training is highly practical and includes interactive activities and games – a style of learning that shows you how 5S fits into your workplace and allows you to practice and develop your skills easily.


A CPD Certified Online Course

This course has reached the required Continuing Professional Development (CPD) standards and benchmarks, and the learning values have been scrutinised to ensure the integrity and quality by the CPD Certification Service.


Suitable Devices

Completion Criteria

Course Duration in Minutes


Course Publisher

100pc Effective





Available for immediate enrolment



There are no FAQs for this course.


£50.00 excluding VAT

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