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IOSH Safety for Executives and Directors (eLearning course)

IOSH Safety for Executives and Directors online course helps business leaders to understand and fulfil their health and safety responsibilities. Ensuring the safety and wellbeing of employees is a moral imperative and a legal and financial necessity.

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With this online course participants will gain a comprehensive understanding of their personal and corporate liabilities and know how to incorporate health and safety into decision-making and strategic planning. They will understand how to build a strong health and safety culture to secure the long-term success and reputation of the business.

What topics are covered in IOSH Safety for Executives and Directors (eLearning course)?

Module 1 – The moral, legal and financial case
– Exploring the moral imperatives guiding health and safety practices and the legal responsibilities of executives and directors.
– Looking at the financial ramifications of inadequate health and safety management through case studies.

Module 2 – Plan
– How to develop a strategic health and safety plan aligned with the organisation’s goals and objectives. This includes identifying workplace hazards, assessing risks, establishing clear policies and procedures, implementing effective communication channels, and setting measurable objectives for health and safety improvement.

Module 3 – Do
– Focusing on the implementation phase.
– How to allocate resources and responsibilities for health and safety, provide adequate training and competency development for employees, ensure compliance with regulations, establish emergency response procedures, and implement effective control measures to mitigate risk.

Module 4 – Check
– How to establish systems for monitoring and measuring health and safety performance. This includes conducting regular inspections and audits, reviewing incident data, evaluating the effectiveness of control measures, and ensuring legal compliance through assessments and reviews.

Module 5 – Act
– Exploring ways to foster a culture of continuous improvement in health and safety.
– How to encourage employee involvement, review and update policies based on lessons learned, implement corrective actions, and promote a positive safety culture throughout the organisation.

Module 6 – Final review
– An opportunity to reflect on personal and organisational progress in health and safety management.
– Participants will assess their confidence levels, identify areas for further development, establish plans for ongoing professional development, and review key insights gained from the course.

Learning objectives

By the end of IOSH Safety for Executives and Directors training participants will understand:

  • Understand their health and safety responsibilities as a senior leader.
  • Be able to integrate health and safety into strategic planning, decision making and the management of supply chains.
  • Know that prioritising health and safety at management level minimises risks, reduces losses and ensures resources are allocated efficiently.
  • Know the consequences of failing to manage health and safety effectively.
  • Understand how to establish a strong safety culture throughout the business.
  • Be able to develop a strategic health and safety plan tailored to their organisation’s goals and resources.
  • Understand how to improve health and safety management performance through monitoring and review

Entry requirements

There are no entry requirements.

Course assessment and certification

Successful completion of this course requires a 70% pass mark. A completion certificate will be available to download and the official IOSH certificate will be sent via post.

Additional information

Accreditation/Endorsements: Institution of Occupational Safety and Health (IOSH)

Audio: Optional

Available for immediate enrolment: Yes

Completion Criteria: Knowledge Checks Completed, Pass Final Test, Visit All Pages

Downloadable Resources: No

Language: English

Suitable Devices: PC, Tablet & Phone

Video: Yes


There are no FAQs for this course.


£249.00 excluding VAT

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