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Blockchain for Business 101 - CPD Certified (BN)

This course will demystify blockchain technology through the use of genuine business case studies & real world applications. No technical background is needed, the course provides online learning in blockchain technology for everyone to understand.

See below for further information.

Sold By: Blocknorth



How will blockchain affect your industry? Why is it relevant to you? Upon successful completion of this course, you’ll able to confidently communicate the benefits of blockchain to clients, colleagues and friends.

Unit 1: The Foundation of Blockchain
Unit 2: How Does Blockchain Work?
Unit 3: Decentralised Data Management
Unit 4: What is a Cryptocurrency?

The course is CPD accredited and has a value of 2 CPD points.

Course Objectives

Upon course completion, employees will gain a full and clear understanding of:

  • The fundamentals of blockchain technology
  • How blockchain enables better and more sophisticated data management for businesses
  • How blockchain can improve data security for businesses
  • How to confidently communicate the benefits of blockchain to clients & colleagues
  • An awareness of current business case studies & practical applications of blockchain
  • How to evaluate the business need for blockchain and subsequently apply the technology practically to existing business models
Additional information

Accreditation/Endorsements: Continuing Professional Development Accreditation Service (CPD)

Suitable Devices: PC & Tablet


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£100.00 excluding VAT

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