We are delighted to welcome Think Biscuit Media who bring with them a suite of new Continuous Improvement Courses, in addition to a suite of compliance training.
Each course is carefully designed to provide the learning in an entertaining and intuitive way. So if you want to know your Kaizen from your Kanban then these online courses will be perfect.
Continuous Improvement courses include:
Introduction to Continuous Improvement – Learn the basics and learn about the benefits of using the process
Continuous Improvement: Lean Management – Managers looking to increase efficeiency and productivity of their employees will benefit greatly from lerning how to manage with a ‘LEAN’ mindset.
Continuous Improvement: Kaizen and the Wastes – Learn how to avoid waste by utilising Kaizen within your buisness.
Continuous Improvement: Workplace Organisation Techniques – Learn how to increase general workplace efficiency through the use of 5S practices.
Continuous Improvement: Workplace Organisation Techniques – Learn how to increase general workplace efficiency through the use of 5S practices.
If you’d like to find out more about continuous improvement techniques take a look at our blog ‘Boost Efficiency to Improve Profitability in SMEs‘.